We started small.

As with any investor our beginning was a humble one, in 2017 with only a few dollars to the Dragons name they embarked on a journey of Discovery. To boldly go into the world of Meme Tokens and come out with the Legendary “Profit”... Fast forward to today and with their wallets filled to the brim and knowledge of the meme space exhausted they had done it, They had survived the bull-run.

Their Journey didn’t stop there though and now the Dragons embark on the most exciting adventure of all to track down the ever elusive “Degen”. A mythical creature with a lust for gold to match their own.

Do you have what it takes to join the “Degen Discord” ?

Abstract Circle Drawing
Abstract Circle Drawing
why joIN uS
Abstract Circle Drawing
Abstract Circle Drawing

Exclusive dEGEN dISCORD

All holders of at least 1 Base Dragon will be entitled to enter the Base Dragon discord and use all of the daily calls made for the hottest Meme tokens.

Daily Calls

Incredible artwork , that pays for itself. Take part in the daily calls and join the other O.G Degens. We give only researched calls with no B.S. all backed up with our own trades. Can you take the heat?

Year of the Dragon

And it could be the year where you make your fortune. We have had countless successful trades in the group and completed several $100 to $1000 dollar challenges. Will you be there to join the next one??

The Dragons









Super RARE



Background Gray

What will you get?



Glasses, cybernetics or just a cheeky wink the Dragons have more expressions than you’ve had hot meals!

From Wizard hats to helmets and even cool hairstyles, each dragon is as unique as the next.

Wings /Back


No self respecting Dragon would be seen in public without his / her favorite loot!

Shotguns, Katana or Steampunk wings there your Dragon can wield them all.


Robotics, suits of armor or your favorite sports team, the Dragons clothing spans all eras and multiple genre.


From scary to cheeky and all in-between the Dragons reflect all emotions.

Degen discord

Exclusive BASe MEME call group

All holders of at least 1 BaseDragon can join the Discord and access the hottest Base Meme Token call group.

Detailed grunge scratches overlay texture
The collection

Completely unique Dragons available to mint

0 15

Super Rare layers - Stand out from the crowd and flex on your friends.

Pink dollar spray paint
Pink dollar spray paint
Pink dollar spray paint

Per NFT on Base Network

Meet the team


Futures trader and base chain degen! Finder of rare gems and 100x tokens!


Crypto Developer and MEME token Degen.


Brains of the operation and sexier than the other two .... also made this website :)

Let s chat


Come Speak to the team and fellow collectors...